3 Tips on How to Organise Large Appliances and Frequently Used Items in Self-Storage
Moving house can be an exciting experience, yet overwhelming at the same time. Self-storage units are particularly useful when embarking on a relocation as they provide an intermediate store for your belongings before settling in your new home. Large appliances such as washing machine, fridge and oven are more prone to damage during a move due to their bulkiness and different parts they come with. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that they are securely put into self-storage. How do you achieve this?
1. Clean and dry your appliances
Clean the appliances thoroughly before putting them in storage and ensure that you drain all water from the hosepipes, to prevent moisture damage. Any debris or water can cause corrosion, staining or other damages that can hinder smooth operations of your appliance. Leave them to dry for some time before packing.
2. Disconnect all cords and Pack them separately
You may be tempted to pack your appliances with their different cords in place since it would be an easy and quick task to reconnect them once out of storage. However, by doing so, you pose a risk of damage since each port should remain covered. Disconnect all attachments and coil them separately before packing them in a bubble wrap.
3. Seal all access doors
Tapping your appliances doors shut will ensure the gaskets remain in good shape while in storage. Secondly, it prevents contaminants from finding their way into the appliances.
Frequently used items is another category of things that would be challenging to juggle when relocating. Speaking with your self-storage facility provider can help you get some tips on how to organise your belongings in the unit. They give you invaluable tips on how you can make good use of that space you've rented. Some of these tips include:
Keep frequently accessed items near the front
For example, if you will be grabbing your bike from your unit more often, keep it at the entrance. By doing so, you'll rarely find yourself digging through your unit to look for something.
Use boxes of similar size
Consistency in the size of boxes will help you stack and access your belongings easily. Think through on the ideal size to use. While large boxes can hold a lot of items, they might also waste a lot of space, especially when storing heavy things, you might not exhaust all the space available.
Make a contents list of the items in storage
It's inevitable to forget some items in storage, especially those that you seldom use. A master contents list can help you keep track of what your items. This list should contain all your belongings in storage, categorised either by type or alphabetically.